Thursday, September 20, 2012

When weather strikes, are you prepared?

Given the recent topics that have been discussed in class, I found this article to be thought provoking.  Nancy Larson writes for the StarPress and wrote a piece giving advice to prepare yourself and your family in case of a natural hazard.  She suggests the storing of food and water supplies, enough for three days per person and per pet.  Some of the things she suggests be stored are canned fruits and vegetables, dried milk, crackers, granola bars, etc.  Her suggestion for water is enough for a person to have one gallon a day.  Seems like a lot, but when survival is at stake no level of preparedness is too much.  I thought this seemed interesting given that we have been talking about natural disasters and hazards and the number of people they affect.  Being prepared is never a bad thing and it would be best to do it before the storm hits.

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